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4.4 ( 4664 ratings )
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Utvecklare: Ethan Liu

此版本為保留給第一代 iPhone 使用,其他 iPhone 3Gs/3Gs, iPhone4 及 iPad 請使用新版本的 zhim! extended. 支援行列,倉頡,大易,嘸蝦米,倚天,注音,拼音輸入法。

for iOS4 and iPad user, check our new zhim! extended, and get all missing input method back.

zhim! is a note app for typing Chinese using various Chinese Input Method and share text via build-in clipboard with other apps. Support Array, Canjei, Pinyin and Zhuyin input methods. Capable for quick typing text when mix-up Chinese and English without bother switch between keyboards. Also support landscape view and editing.

zhim! - Chinese Language Input Method! 是一個可使用行列、倉頡、拼音及注音中文輸入法的記事本應用程式。可在不同應用程式之間以剪貼簿方式分享文字資料。並且在中/英文混合輸入的狀況時,可以直接輸入 單字詞,或切換至全英文輸入模式,不需要重複在切換鍵盤,以達到快速輸入的目的。支援直向及橫向的編輯或操作。